Crazy leg workout

Looking to kill them legs and glutes?!?!! … I’ve got you covered πŸ˜‰

I’ve been working SUPER hard lately to build my legs and glutes because I feel they need to grow.

With all the extra calories I’ve been eating and carbs, I have had extra energy. AND I’VE BEEN KILLING MY WORKOUTS πŸ™‚ !!

gains, gains, gains! Got to eat to grow.

Here’s the workout: (ATTEMPT AT OWN RISK πŸ˜› )

Warm up: 14 min. HITT treadmill style. 30 seconds walking at 4.0, 30 seconds running at 8.0, 30 seconds sprinting at 10.0. And repeat!

1. Squats: 2 sets of each of the following: Heaviest weight for 6 reps, lighten the weight a little and do 8 reps, lighten the weight a little more and do 10 reps. After second set of 10 reps, drop weight in half and do a drop set of 10 reps.

2. Lunges: (stepping forward and stepping back– stationary not walking.) with 25 pound plates in each hand or dumbbells do 30 reps or 15 for each leg, drop weights and do 10 squat jumps, 12 lunge jumps, and 16 jumping jacks. Repeat circuit 3 times through total.

3. One leg step ups. (Step up onto bench with one leg. I use steppers and put 9 of those things under neath so its 9 thinggggyyys tall) with a 25 pound plate or less do each leg 10 times, each set of 10 for both legs super set with 20 sit ups off the end of the bench. Complete a total of 3 sets.

4. Walking lunges. (With 45 pound benching bar) Do 10-15 walking lunges with bar on back across the room, when you get to end of the room superset with 10 front squats with the bar and repeat for a total of 3 sets.

5. Weighted kick backs. 4 sets of 6, 8, 10, 10 progressively dropping down weight.

6. leg extensions: 4 sets of 6,8,10, 10 progressively dropping down weight.

8. Hack squats: 3 sets of 12

7. Calf raises: 4 sets of 20-30.

8. Seated calf raises: 4 sets of 20-30

Cool down: 15 mins on stairmaster

…. i do this twice a week. My legs and glutes have grown. This is guaranteed to cause growth and results!

Sorry this isn’t edited very well at all, trying to finish before my computer dies!

If you try it let me know if you like it! .. or if you’re alive!

love you all ❀

eat clean, train mean. go get sweatyyyyyy πŸ˜‰


Published by Danielle

28-year-old, Christian, family nurse practitioner with a love for health, fitness, wellness, medicine, and the human body.

6 thoughts on “Crazy leg workout

  1. Sounds like a great/killer workout! My leg workouts are very similar. Don’t you love that “shaky leg syndrome,” after a workout, barely being able to walk to your car, as well as limping around the next day?! Haha. Btw, just curious, how did you get into lifting weights/fitness?


    1. Hahah awesome! and Yes, I love that! Proves you were working hard πŸ™‚ … how did I get into it? .. hmm long story short, I was going through a tough time in my life and luckily I turned to the gym to “blow off steam” (better than alcohol or drugs! thats for sure!) .. I started going to the gym ever day, but I would just do miles and miles of cardio. Eventually, I did my research and learned that doing all that cardio wouldn’t get me anywhere. My brother’s lifting partner became my lifting partner, and he showed me the basics of the gym. I give him a lot of credit for getting me into weight lifting. From there, I just did lots of research online and fell in love with the fitness/bodybuilding lifestyle!


      1. Yes, it does prove you were working hard! That’s a great testimony for how you got started in fitness! Exercise and lifting definitely is a great way to relieve stress. But more importantly, we should always turn to the Lord in tough times and trust in His will over our lives.

        Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.-Proverbs 3:5

        It’s by no mistake God took you through those tough times to open your eyes to your calling, to reveal your passion for health/fitness. Hopefully you can use your passion to minister to others because we were created for one purpose, a purpose to love, serve, and bring others closer to Jesus Christ! In His will, at least that’s the goal of my blog and future business endeavor, to use fitness as a medium to bring others closer to the Lord! Keep up the great work!!


      2. Wow that is so awesome! Thanks for sharing that with me πŸ™‚ Made my day! God is so good! and He definitely places you in the right places at the right time around the right people to send you the right message. Nothing is ever a coincidence! I know God has the perfect plan all set out for me and my life; I just have to trust his timing and live peacefully in his arms! Amen! And God bless you! πŸ™‚


  2. Yes! You hit it right on the head, nothing is coincidence. Calling it a coincidence is just avoiding the fact God was the orchestrator. Luckily for us, just as you said, God has an individual, specific, all-perfect plan for each and every one of us. Even though things may not work out, or we’re simply tired of waiting, He doesn’t work on our watches and what we want, but only His timing and what He wants for our lives. For the Lord, His timing is our perfect timing. Each and every time, no matter what season you’re going through, He always intercedes at the most absolute moment. God has big plans for you!!! Just keep seeking and listening to His voice because we don’t want to miss those moments, those moments God is trying to tell us to do something, to change our lives, to drop our nets and follow. What will be your choice the next time God pops a question?


    1. That’s the truth! I couldn’t have said it better myself. I completely agree with you. God definitely speaks in small whispers and you have to tune out the ways of this world and be in tuned to his voice! πŸ™‚


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